Monday, January 30, 2012

izumi..22 months ..Tea time

I am thinking to upgrade to a teapot and let her practice her pouring skill..X

izumi..22 months ..Transferring, Pouring

 Izumi had such good control here, her hand/eye coordination is spot on and she held the pot strongly showing good muscular control.

She did a few times then got very interested in spilling the peas onto the tray, they did make a great sound, she enjoyed picking them up one by one which was great practice for her pincer grip.

And finally a larger spillage which she also enjoyed, we worked together to pick them up and Izumi completed the cycle of activity by replacing the activity back onto the shelf.

izumi..22 months ..Order

Izumi was building with these lego blocks and suddenly went of and started to line them up, she showed good concentration and order.  I think she found some independence in chosing to use the lego blocks her own way.

Friday, January 27, 2012

izumi..22 months ..spooning

 Izumi showed great concentration and balance today using this activity, she has used this many times before but today she was definately focused.
Her hand eye co-ordination was brilliant.

Check out how she is holding the spoon...definately working hand and wrist.

Find the toddler?

Izumi..22 months..washing dishes

 Izumi is so excited with the warm soappy water, she spend about 25 minutes with this activity.

She did wash the dishes a few times.

Izumi.. Table setting..21 months

Cai and spelling tests......age 10

Cai is working so hard with his spelling at the moment and is only happy with 20 out of 20 every week, being so far behind after missing 4 years of school it is a huge task...but wow he is already up to year 6 level just needs a little fine tuning so the spellings are important for 2 reasons, one is new vocabulary and the other the spelling. 
Cai is like Rei in the regard that he works best when things are broken we take his new words and using the LMA (large movable alphabet) he spells them out , looks at them and breaks them down.  Then using strips of paper he writes the words and cuts the word into the parts that he broke down using the LMA.  We start with about 7 spellings.

Cai mixes all the parts of the words and puts them back together, remembering the names of the words, after 3 or 4 times of this game Cai closes his eyes and I take one piece away so one word will not be complete and Cai will tell me whats missing.  We continue taking parts away, usually I end up taking one part of each word.  Finally Cai will begin writing out the missing parts on paper leading us finally into a mock spelling test like school with just paper and pencil.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Friday, January 6, 2012

Music Corner.....

Izumi has always a wide range of musical instruments in her basket but this Christmas both her sisters had guitars so the music corner has got a bit bigger........

The Pink Tower...

This is still a firm favourite......


Izumi is definately more interested in opening and closing the pots but I will leave this as a set and see if she becomes more interested in using the glue stick........

Izumi Walking the Line...

Room change.......

I was lucky to get some beautiful Tatami mats from Japan so I used these in the new layout......

She is also having fun with the Post Box we made from a left over cardboard box from Christmas.....

Izumis sisters are reading more to her now and she is loving The Gruffalo...we are slowly picking up the soft toys to make it a lot more interesting.....

2012.....Izumi and The Table Setting

I downloaded the place setting and lamiated it, then found the dishes and cuttlery that matched the best....Izumi enjoyed this very much so it will be on the shelf for a while..