Saturday, February 15, 2014

Izzy 3:11 Home corner

Izzy enjoys making her own sandwiches and sharing with her dolls.

Everytime she picks up her doll and gives it a drink or pouring a cup of tea for her friends, she is using her fine and gross motor skills, building up muscles in her fingers, hands, arms. 

 She is using her imagination and memory of her surroundings, making sense of everything around her and storing all these experiences carefully and orderly in her memory.  By having all these experiences absorbed and stored she is able to better understand the world around her, building her self esteem and confidence for the next 'new' experience that comes along.

She models actions that she has seen me make in the kitchen, great experiences to help her grown into an independent woman who can take care of herself.

Izzy 3:11 Letters and their Phonic Sound

I am following the order of the Jolly Phonic series, as well as liking the books it is the order used in British Schools.  Izzy has the first 2 magnetic sets on the fire place, we started with the first set  "s a t i p n" and she knows these sounds very well so we added  the second set "c k e h r m d".

She starts her book by saying the sound, then she finds the sound on the fireplace, removing it and matching it to the book.  She gets excited as she sees the letters disappearing from the fire place.

Izzy still enjoys the Sandpaper Letters and I match these to the letters she is learning with Jolly Phonics, she instinctively traces the letters in the books as she would with her Sandpaper Letters.
As ever I look for the learning method that makes Izzy happy, she method that she enjoys, hopefully I am like a chef that adds a little of this or a little of that to create a magnificent recipe.

Izzy 3:11 3 Teen numbers 3 Period Lesson

Izzy enjoyed this 3pl with the Short Bead Stair, she was not able to complete the 3pl and I just followed her lead letting her explore the material, she enjoyed counting the beads to complete the cycle of activity and place them all in order back into the tray. 

Izzy 3:11 Teen Numbers

This is a lovely puzzle 1-20 and really stretches her concentration as well as her counting skills.

Izzy 3:11 Goldilocks and the 3 Bears

We raided her dolls house for furniture, her crockery cupboard for the pots, playmobil lady and the 3 bears from our Animals of the world box.

I told the story a few times and then she wanted to take over so I sat back and listened to her much more exciting version.  This activity gives Izzy new vocabulary, a chance to tell her own story with the vocabulary that makes sense to her, showing her understanding of the new words she has heard. 

Izzy 3:11 Australasia

Izzy likes Kangaroos so when I asked what Continent she would like to learn more about the answer was no surprise..Australasia.

The Kangaroo is her favourite.

I have printed and laminated animals, plants and places of interest cards and we have the Toobs Autralasia pack of animals.

Izumi 3:11 Short Bead Stair

Izzy is still enjoying the Short Bead Stair and everytime she uses these beads her understanding of teen numbers deepens.