Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Izzy 3:10 Animal Families

Like most children she has a good interest in animals, we are using farm animals as these are the types she is most likely to see in her environment.  Sheep on the way to Wales, Horses at the farm.

Izzy 3:10 Land Air & Water Jars

She still enjoys this activity and has begun to look for other things in her environment that are "Invisible".

Izzy 3:10 Show Time

Humpty Dumpty.......

She prefers to watch her big sisters showtime!!!

Setting the stage.

Izzy 3:10 Puzzles & Games

We play games together, this helps her to take turns, and how to wait patiently.

She learns how to communicate with others by using her words, "My turn", "your turn"...

She learns how to win and lose.

Big puzzles work her Big and Little muscles...

a Sherlock Holmes moment..mmmmmm!!

She enjoys this Melissa & Doug puzzle, learning about 'Shapes'.

Izzy 3:10 Sand Box with Animals

This is one of her favourite activities at the moment.

She gets more and more involved in the play.


Izzy 3:10 Incy Wincy Spider

Walking to school she stops at this drain and sings "Incy wincy spider"!!

Izzy 3:10 Cars

She spends a lot of time using her cars, showing such imagination!

A schema for Transporting!!

Izzy 3:10 A Tower

She is able to size the cubes easily.

Each box also has a written number and a matching amount of objects for counting.

She does not often get to use electronics but sometimes!!!

Izzy 3:10 Bath time

Izzy 3:10 Role play

She was sitting in the bag watching the TV.

Izzy got a Tool Box for Christmas, now she can model her Daddy!

This is a beautiful Key cupboard for hanging keys.