Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Izzy 4:7 Transferring using fine motor skills

This activity can be used by toddlers and at 4:7 Izzy still likes it, of course the materials change, maybe starting with tongs passing Pom Poms from one dish to another; slowly progressing to a small tweezers with fine beads.  Whatever the age the child is refining hand eye coordination and strengthening pincer grip and developing fine motor skills. 

Working from the floor but I truly believe if that is where she wants to work them let her. From this position whenever she leans to reach and transfer a bead she is strengthening her trunk and shoulder muscles.

Izzy 4:7 Train track

The trains and track are kept together in a tray and I numbered them so izzy can put the track together by herself, make the track smaller or bigger to use more or less numbers.

Some new activities - Bottom shelf

Nursery Rhyme finger puppets 

A box of ropes, string, laces and beads, let the child explore and you will be amazed. 

Some new activities - middle shelf

This tray is easy to prepare and you can use anything. 

A jar of wool and a scissors.

Hammering and pin farm activity. 

Some new activities - Top shelf

In the basket is a notebook, ink and stamps. I have used letters as this is her interest at the moment but we have all kinds of stamps. 

These jars contain Sellotape, sharpener, paper clips, hole punch and an eraser. 

Very small beads and tweezers. 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Izzy 4:7 Chopstick Activity

This is our Japanese OHashi set; Shoyu (soy sauce) dishes, OHashi (chopsticks) and Hashioki (chopstick rest). 

Izzy's father is Japanese so this a cultural activity and an absolute necessity when in Japan. 

Great for building muscles in her wrist, hand and fingers and engaging her in problem solving. 

Monday, October 20, 2014

Izzy 4:7 Walking on the Line

We were waiting for her sisters to finish gymnastics and she began Walking on the Line.  

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Izzy 4:7 Imagination and memory

I found this drawing on the table and asked izzy what it was....
"These are giants, they like to eat people" 
How are they feeling?
"They are sad cause there no people to eat" 
"This one has a broken eye"
"Here is the princess castle in the sky"
"Little peoples house.. They gone shopping"
"The peoples and these are scarecrows in the garden"

She had drawn an imaginative story and was able to use her memory to recall  (when I asked her) every detail of her picture. 

Izzy 4:7 Grace & Courtesy

Hanging up her hat and coat. 

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Izzy 4:7 Sequencing & logic

Izzy enjoys using this Bear activity, it helps her sequence skills and uses mathematical language and logic. 
She uses size and colour recognition to complete the patterns. 

Izzy 4:7 Numbers & Counters 1 - 10

These numbers and counters take concentration and knowledge of quantities 1 - 10.  

Izzy 4:7 Sewing Cards

I found these wonderful plastic sewing cards in the sewing shop, and they give Izzy the confidence to sew by herself. 

Izzy 4:7 Back drop for a Giraffe

I wasn't sure what Izzy was doing until she had finished and I heard her talking to the animals. She had drawn a home for the Giraffe family. Sky, Sun & trees. 

Izzy 4:7 DIY

Working with her Dad, she has great hand eye coordination and holds her hammer like a pro. 

Big sister.

Izzy 4:7 Imagination

Izzy had these left over cardboard pieces to play with. 

I could see she had made a person...I was impressed she had used her imagination to make this. 

Then I realised she had also made a dog.

 Then I saw that she was making the faces using a screwdriver. 
I am so glad I got this on camera, no one influenced or interfered in her work.  I was busy then just looked down and saw what she had made with the simplest of materials ( some cardboardand pieces of wood).  

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Izzy 4:6 Movable Alphabet

Today was the day Izzy 'got' the Movable Alphabet.  

We worked together sounding out the sounds and she was able to find the letters. 

The dog, cat and bag were there for her to feel and sound out, making the activity more identifiable to her. 

Having the letters there to pick up and physically feel imprints onto the muscular memory not just the memory ( she has a physical memory of the letter). 

Making a sissors with d & b. 

Izzy 4:6 Puzzles

This is quite a big puzzle and she needs time to be able to complete this (and big sisters help).  This type of activity is great for shape recognition and problem solving skills. This puzzle had the added bonus of animals and their continents. 

Izzy 4:6 Threading

Threading beads builds on fine motor skills, hand eye co ordination and builds the muscles in fingers especially the pincer grip.

Threading beads gives a child a chance to see their own patterns come to life, recognizing and making their own sequences (problem solving).