Monday, September 27, 2010

High frequency words - word match

This activity is to help the kids remember high frequency words.  I think i will use this activity style a lot in the future as the kids enjoyed it so much. 

I choose 10 high frequency words and wrote them twice on seperate cards.
The kids then took turns in turning over 2 cards at a time.  Their goal was to find a pair and be able to say the word.  Because the words are new I am saying them and then the kids repeat them.  They remember the words quickly. 
I tell them to look at the whole word if they cannot sound and spell it.
I am playing at the moment as well, so at the end of the game if they know any of the words that I found then they can keep them.



Numeracy - Measuring and recording

This activity was to measure the shapes using small
wooden cubes.  I thought that instead of just
measuring anything I would use shapes, so Rei learns about shapes as well as measuring.  I used a graph for Rei to record her measurements. .                                                                                                                                                        

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Cai - Build up vocabulary

With Cai it has been a while since he did English, so I am starting slowly and doing 3 and 4 letter words and also high frequency words like the, and, I etc.

I want to build his confidence and gradually bring him back to the level he should be.  Cai has worked with nouns, verbs but I know this was a few years ago.  So I will slowly introduce them next week. 

Japanese vowels have a different sound to english vowels and as Cai speaks Japanese 90% of the time I am watching for any problems, I must say so far so good.

I am working only about 30 min daily with Cai this week but I will up that to 1 hour next week.  It is good Winter is coming as they will be home more instead of in the park with their friends.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Creativity - Sewing

Rei is sewing shapes.   I prepared a sewing box so that she can do the activity whenever she wants, also I keep changing the sewing cards, letting her explore her creativity.  I will soon add material for her to work with.  Cai and Sakura are also enjoying this activity. They have all learned how to use the 'needle threader'.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Classroom setup

So Rei started school this week……

This is what we have set up for her to use every day...
Alphabet recognition (sandbox letters, match picture to letter and visaversa, match the letters D,B, and
P to the objects)

Numeracy (Japanese money and Number recognition)

Color recognition with written names

Painting and threading pasta necklace

Sewing shapes

Threading laces through a board

Can you find the body part

Sound boxes


Everyday Living - Transfering Rice

This is Rei doing an activity for Everyday Living, she is 'transfering'rice from the first basket to the middle basket where she washes the rice, then transfers the washed rice to the third basket, she continues this until she has washed all the rice.  She can repeat this as many times as she wants.  Rei follows the order of this activity starting from when she picks up the tray to when she returns the tray as she found it.

Rei said "It was good".

Day 1

Okay I think I got this Blog thing going.  I am hoping to use this space to keep you all updated with the kids crash course in English.  As you know we have been in Japan for over 3 years and although they are fluent in Japanese reading and writing their English skills have slipped so much.  Verbally I think they are fine but as we are planning to take them back to the UK next summer I have a huge task ahead.

As you know I am training to be a Montessori teacher and I have completed all my course work and next summer will do my apparatus course in London and teacher training to become a qualified Montessori teacher.  I have worked in a Montessori school here in Japan.  I love it.

So as far as my teaching goes I am mainly based within the Montessori Method but if the need arises I will use whatever I need to help the kids develop.

 Cai age 9.-  Definately has the most work to do, but he is a quick learner.  He needs constant encouragement .

Sakura age 7.-  Not as much to do as Cai and is usually up for learning something new if it looks interesting.

Rei age 5. - Rei is homeschooling with me so I will give her a range of activities within the Montessori curriculum, Everyday activities, Numeracy, Literacy, Creativity, Cultural and Sensorial activities.

Izumi 6 months. -Izumi will be working with her Montessori skills the same as Rei.

I want to keep you up to date with their work and will try to put photos to help to exlain what I am doing.



Okay this is testing testing.....