Saturday, February 15, 2014

Izzy 3:11 Letters and their Phonic Sound

I am following the order of the Jolly Phonic series, as well as liking the books it is the order used in British Schools.  Izzy has the first 2 magnetic sets on the fire place, we started with the first set  "s a t i p n" and she knows these sounds very well so we added  the second set "c k e h r m d".

She starts her book by saying the sound, then she finds the sound on the fireplace, removing it and matching it to the book.  She gets excited as she sees the letters disappearing from the fire place.

Izzy still enjoys the Sandpaper Letters and I match these to the letters she is learning with Jolly Phonics, she instinctively traces the letters in the books as she would with her Sandpaper Letters.
As ever I look for the learning method that makes Izzy happy, she method that she enjoys, hopefully I am like a chef that adds a little of this or a little of that to create a magnificent recipe.

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