Hi Blog, Okay its been a while.....Wow what a year 2011 was...we sadly got caught up in the Earthquake in Japan this Year, an absolutly life changing experience for me. We are back in the UK and have spent the last 6 months starting over......
The Earthquake was on a Friday and Rei and Izumi were at home with me and Cai and Sakura were on their way home from school alone (In Japan after the age of 6 they go and return from school alone or with other children).......We were all safe and spent Izumi's first Birthday at home in a very wobbly house with a small cup cake and 1 candle....By the Tuesday my nerves were shot with all the large aftershocks so we went to the South of Japan for a week. We spent a few days in out friends hotel in Osaka and the were graciously looked after in a Temple in Shiga...Many thanks to all.
Being away from the aftershocks gave me chance to clear my head and we made the decision to go to the UK the next week, so back to Tokyo where within a week we managed to empty our house but unfortunately could not bring most of our possessions due to storage and money...nevermind we were all alive...So April saw us back in the UK.
We have managed to find a flat in London and the children are back in the Amazing School they attended 4 years ago....
I attended and passed my Apparatus Course this summer with MCI London and met the most brilliant people (Teachers and Students)
So as of today 17 October 2011
Cai year 6
Sakura year 4
Rei year 2
Izumi Mamas Montessori
Me I am preparing for my written exam in December and starting Teacher Practice hopefully in January .......................
So I hope to be able to blog a little more......
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