Sunday, November 6, 2011

Rei and Weekly Spelling

Rei brings home 10 new words every week so we have made this plan to help her learn....

2. Rei writes the first 3 words onto the paper and together we break them down
1. Spelling list, blank paper, pen and sissors.

Rei then cuts up the parts of the word and mixes them up, then she puts the pieces of the word puzzle together..a lot of sound and spelling here but also we are able to concentrate on the more difficult part of the word by seperating it from the rest of the word.                                                              3


When she is confident with this we play hide the letters, I take one part of a word and she will work out which one is missing by arranging the letters back into their words and then writing down which is missing.  We play this game taking more letters away as and when she is ready....untill there may only be a few letters left and she is nearly spelling the whole word...Finally we go back to basics with pen and paper and joyfully she can write all her words with ease......I like the movable alphabet here as well to give her more of a touch sensation...Well done Rei XXxxxx

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