Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Izzy 3.0. 42 sounds of spoken English

I decided to check on how Izzy was doing with her sounds, mainly because she is bilingual English and Japanese and these two languages have different sounds.

I chose a quiet time and we sat down together and went through the sounds, we colored the paper in after just for the fun because 42 sounds is a lot and I wanted her to have fun as I got the information I needed.

I was very happy with the results, she knew a few sounds I though she did not have and the sounds she clearly did not have such as R, J, Z were clearly not there.

I will continue repeating back to her the sounds and words clearly without making her repeat them and making her aware of it.
She is doing well and is confident and happy playing and talking with other children which is great and at this age very important.

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