Monday, October 25, 2010

Challenge Friday

Last week we tried something new, I gave the children a list of words and they had to practice reading and writing the words all week and we would see how many they remembered on Friday.  Just for entering the game they got an ice cream, I made it very clear to the children that the results were not important, just to try their best and have fun playing a game together. They all played and got about 80% of their words right, so I was very happy.  We will continue "Challenge Friday" every week for as long as it works.

I began reinforcing Cai's knowledge of Nouns and introduced Nouns to Sakura.  We started with basic Nouns then moved onto Proper and Common Nouns and also Singular and Plural Nouns. Cai remembered them all, Sakura was so good, she understood at once  that a Noun was a place or a person and soon  grasped that a thing is also a Noun.  We will work all this week on Nouns.

They both work so hard in Japanese school I am trying not to push them to hard and to make everything I am teaching them fun and interesting. 

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