Friday, October 29, 2010

Teaching your own kids is very hard!

So far we have been trying to do an hour everyday...but it is not working, we are just getting upset and frustrated.  Rei is easier because she is home with me all day but Cai and Sakura are in Japanese school all day.  They come home at 3.30 then want to play out till 5.00, bath, dinner and finally English and Japanese homework.  It is already 7.00 usually and my time to wind down with 7mth old Izumi plus their daddy is usually nearly home.
 Not we are going to try Monday,Wednesday and Friday they will not play out after school and work with me from 3.30 to 5.00........Tuesday and Thursday is all theirs and mine to actually.
So we will stick with challenge Friday and keep learning vocabulary through the week,  Monday we will work on  how a sentence is made (we have already started nouns) and Wednesday we will work on handwriting.
If it does not work we will change again, it is hard trying to work with 3 children of different ages and levels, trying to find interesting and fun ways to help them learn. I don't want them to hate learning, that is not what my Montessori training is about.  I want to give them activities that make learning English interesting and fun.   They spend their whole day in Japanese school sat behind a desk in a be quiet and listen atmosphere, don't ask questions or disagree just follow.  I want to give them a passion and interest for reading and learning.
I will keep you updated on this new routine..wish me luck :)

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